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How to Pose on Your Wedding Day

When it’s time for the big day, it’s likely that you and your significant other will have varied levels of experience and comfort level when it comes to being in front of the camera. With the right photography team surrounding you, you will get critical feedback and guidance to ensure you’re happy with the outcome. As you prepare, begin to think about these helpful tips for how to pose on your wedding day.

How to Pose on Your Wedding Day by Joy Photo and Video

5 Tips for How to Pose on Your Wedding Day

Think of your wedding day in four key segments: getting ready, ceremony, reception, and formal portrait photos. Depending on the flow of your event, these might come in a different order. No matter what the segment of the day, here are 5 tips for how to pose on your wedding day that will be helpful to keep in mind.

1. (This first tip begins during your engagement season.) Communicate with your photography team in advance of the big day. When you partner with Joy Photo and Video, you will have 1-2 calls with your team to ensure that you’re aligned on the game plan. It’s important that you are transparent about your goals and expectations. For example, if you feel more confident by posing with a specific side facing the camera, then make sure to mention that! Your pros will help to make sure you’re comfortable and featured in a way that shows you in the best light.

Photography posing tips from a team of wedding photographers

2. Try subtle movements to add diversity to your looks. Whether it’s moving your head closer to your spouse, trying a different placement with your arm, tightening up your core, or twisting a slightly different way, adding diversity to your movements will be very helpful. This won’t require significant changes to move from one pose to the next, but small changes made to your physical stance or facial structure will help ensure there are a variety of photos in your album.

Here’s what you don’t want: an entire segment of your wedding day where you have the same exact pose. If it ends up being an angle which you aren’t happy with or a pose that doesn’t feel natural then you’ll regret not having options.

3. Experiment with different types of smiles. Since there will be hundreds--if not thousands--of photos taken at your wedding, make sure to try different smiles! It can get easy to feel fatigued (especially later in the day) which tends to make smiles look forced. Try a softer smile, open your eyes wider to bring a new sense of energy to your face, and then pose for the camera.

Pro tip: practicing with different smiles is one of the best reasons to do an engagement session!

This extra session before the big day will allow you to experiment with a variety of facial expressions and poses.

Photography 101: Wedding posing tips for the bride and groom

4. Take your time. One of the biggest mistakes you can make on your wedding day is moving too quickly, especially in the milestone moments on your itinerary. From the first kiss to the first dance, make sure to stay in each pose for a few seconds longer than you think feels natural. This will allow your photographers time to capture the moment and force you to stay present.

5. When in doubt, keep it natural. Whether you’re getting your makeup done while getting ready, posing with extended family, or taking a twirl on your dance floor, don’t get stuck in your head about what you ‘should’ look like.

Just lean into the moment and have fun with it! While it might feel awkward at some points when you’re posing for the camera, it’s important not to show that in your face or body. Remember why you’re there, to celebrate a lifelong union with the person whom you love and do your best to be present in the moment.

Best Ways to Pose for Wedding Photos

When we work with our Joy couples, we make sure to align on a shot list for the key portions of the big day. The formal portraits will be the ones which require the most posing and typically will include:

  • Wedding Party

  • Couple w/ Groomsmen

  • Couple w/ Bridesmaids

  • Couple w/ Extended Family

  • Couple w/ Immediate Family

  • Couple w/ Parents

  • Couple w/ Grandparents

  • Couple w/ Siblings

  • Just the Couple

Best ways to pose for photos on your wedding day

When taking formal portraits, it’s likely that you will be standing in a similar location for an extended period. Try these subtle variations to keep the energy up in your photos:

  • Move the position of your chin. Bring your chin down or move it slightly to one side by leaning in closer to your spouse. This is a very quick and easy way to change the angles of your face.

  • Place your hand or arms in a new way. This might mean putting a hand in a pocket or bending an elbow in a more exaggerated pose.

  • Position your body differently by standing up straighter, dropping your shoulders, or puffing out your chest.

  • Bend your knees or move your feet. Subtle transitions in the lower half of your body will help to open new positions for the camera.

  • Add or take away an accessory. This includes a floral bouquet, veil, personalized item such as a monogrammed purse, cowboy hat, bolero or jean jacket.

Ways for the bride and groom to pose on your wedding day

We hope you enjoyed learning about how to pose on your wedding day. For more tips, read 31 Tried-and-True Wedding Photo Poses.

If you’re looking for a photographer or videographer to help partner with you on the big day, we have a team of professionals around the United States ready to help meet your needs. Inquire about our availability and then browse our portfolio for inspiration.

[Photoshoot: Jenny and Gabe in Austin, Texas.]

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